
Have you ever tried to be healthy but always end up failing. Well that’s literally me. But I am turning myself around. I have started to workout and eat healthier. Now i am no saint. I have failed a few time but I feel so much cleaner inside and out. My new favorite drink is lemon water which I have every single day. I have also taken up yoga. I have a few apps on my phone that have workouts and routines that help you.

One of the most important things you need to get started is motivation. I found tons of motivation by making a collage of all the things i want to be able to wear, pull off, or do when I have achieved my goals. Another way I have found motivation is by watching Youtube videos on how to make healthy foods and workout routines or how to stay on track. I found these helpful because I love organization. I loved being able to get a schedule ready and plan out what I will cook for the day. Another motivation i found helpful is the fact of buying new workout clothes and looking cute in new yoga pants. Just the fact of getting dressed makes me even more excited to start my workout.

here is a link to some videos that can motivate you!

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